
Visitors are welcome with advance notice at RSA. The club is located in Rougemont, NC and members train twice weekly. Wednesday evening and Saturday morning are the normal training times, but these are subject to change depending on schedules. First time visitors are requested to visit without their dog on their first visit. This way they can learn more about the sport and the etiquette around the field and other dogs -- questions are always encouraged. After the first visit, you will be invited back to have your dog evaluated for the correct temperament and drive to compete in the sport. This is not a training class -- handlers are expected to be reasonably proficient (or motivated to learn fast) in dog training. RSA provides the field, equipment, helpers and criticisms/suggestions to enhance your training and relationship with your dog. Dog sports are inherently dangerous and a liability waiver will need to be signed before participating in the sport.
Handlers are welcome to visit up to three times prior deciding to joining the club. Annual club dues are $300 for the first year ($250 in subsequent years) which goes towards field and equipment maintenance, lights, insurance etc. Training fees are $40 or $80 a month per dog payable at the beginning of the month. $40 covers 4 sessions (once a week) and $80 covers 8 sessions (twice a week). Members are also required to be members of the national parent club, United Schutzhund Club of America.

Visitors are welcome with advance notice at RSA. The club is located in Rougemont, NC and members train twice weekly. Wednesday evening and Saturday morning are the normal training times, but these are subject to change depending on schedules. First time visitors are requested to visit without their dog on their first visit. This way they can learn more about the sport and the etiquette around the field and other dogs -- questions are always encouraged. After the first visit, you will be invited back to have your dog evaluated for the correct temperament and drive to compete in the sport. This is not a training class -- handlers are expected to be reasonably proficient (or motivated to learn fast) in dog training. RSA provides the field, equipment, helpers and criticisms/suggestions to enhance your training and relationship with your dog. Dog sports are inherently dangerous and a liability waiver will need to be signed before participating in the sport.
Handlers are welcome to visit up to three times prior deciding to joining the club. Annual club dues are $300 for the first year ($250 in subsequent years) which goes towards field and equipment maintenance, lights, insurance etc. Training fees are $40 or $80 a month per dog payable at the beginning of the month. $40 covers 4 sessions (once a week) and $80 covers 8 sessions (twice a week). Members are also required to be members of the national parent club, United Schutzhund Club of America.